Check out our large range of free YouTube Videos
Explores the threading jig to make threaded wooden rings.
A neat project making a threaded bolt and shows how to make extra-long threads.
Making a salad bowl and tool control of the bowl gouge.
A fun project to have a go at.
Shows how to mount your first piece onto the lathe safely and how to start roughing down.
Let’s start making beads and coves.
Progression from beads and coves and how to mix them together to make an item.
Techniques and tools to make your first bowl.
How to make a more complicated undercut bowl.
Let’s learn how to make a box: the ins and outs.
Let’s ramp up the skills and techniques to make an eccentric candle holder.
Enhanced ways to decorate a platter.
How to approach making a natural-edged bowl.
Explores the tools and approach in hollowing an open vase.
The advanced skills and tools needed for closed hollow forms.
Advanced threading with the HOPE threading jig.
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